As a child, Rick's grandfather told him that to succeed in life, he had to aim for the top of the mountain and tackle every obstacle in his path until he reached it. Years later, Rick made BOMBERG his own Everest. Or, to keep with the Swiss imagery, his Matterhorn!

For 30 years, he followed all the established paths in the watch industry; he observed and learned all the trade secrets, the nuts and bolts of marketing and the art of selling. Guided and inspired by visionary figures in the industry, he worked hard at the market roll-out and distribution of brands created by others.

Then he thought again about the summit he wanted to reach. And so, guided by his heart, he decided to follow his dreams by blazing his own trail, thinking outside the box. He did so with his son in mind, wanting to open up a new path for him, one that would explain his absences when he was "off the mountain". A precious and unique path that could be his legacy and guide his son if he decides to follow in his footsteps.

The name BOMBERG came naturally, the "Berg" element being a nod to this famous mountain. By going off the beaten track, Rick De La Croix wanted to go beyond the limits set by tradition and all that conventions dictate. For him, one must dare to show one's true face, to assert one's style with conviction, even if one crosses the sacrosanct limits of "restraint". Proud to be Swiss, proud of the innovation and expertise that his country brings to the world, his dearest desire is to reveal and promote an aspect of the Swiss character that is too often hidden: audacious, independent, sexy, seductive, avant-garde, voluntary, but always respectful of tradition.

Thus, the development of his brand has been in two directions: towards technical innovations and towards themes that are close to his heart. This is how Rick De La Croix has been able to create timepieces with the "Swiss Made" philosophy in their DNA, adding accessories to transform them into pendants or desk clocks, using a patented system of his own design. He has understood the evolution of consumer behaviour, discerning the desires of those who, like him, want to step out of their comfort zone. He made bold choices that reflected his character and taste in a true and authentic way. BOMBERG is a state of mind: the decision to be yourself without worrying about what others think. Taking the lead, being creative, refusing to identify with the traditional icons that are supposed to represent good taste.

The result is a very elegant product with a bold character that stands out in the conventional watchmaking world. Young and old, those who live a life free from the constraints of the norm, those who embrace their desire for tattoos, powerful motorcycles, rock 'n' roll or combat sports, will find a perfect place in the world of BOMBERG. With their rebellious designs, these watches and bracelets reflect this pioneering and leading attitude. This is their world, characterized by passion, intensity, respect, codes of conduct and honor. With BOMBERG, they can boldly declare it.

Today, Rick finds himself striding towards the top of the mountain. He has pursued his dream and taken the risk to create a new trend: BOMBERG. He is becoming an icon of the spirit of freedom and independence that runs counter to the world of convention.

It's a tribute to his grandfather, a legacy for his son, and a promise to himself to be true to who he really is.